District kit for use by groups
We have a number of District Resources that Groups can borrow:
All Electrical Equipment has been PAT Tested for 2024
It is the responsibility of leaders who use the kit to produce a suitable RA for the activity. To help leaders, instructions for use of the kit can be downloaded plus there are some RA templates for equipment use which leaders must adapt for their specific circumstances. Data sheets are also downloadable for the glue guns and fogger
As recruiting new Adult Volunteers is one of the biggest challenges that we have as a movement, the District has put together a stand that can be used at any event to start a conversation about joining the movement
Archery – requires permit holder and notification to District prior to use
District Radios – The Comms team has activities with the radios that they can provide
Soft Archery
Resuscitation dummies – adult x2, infant x2 and baby x1 plus practice AED Device
Small PA system
Water Pistols x6
Nerf Guns x5
Circus Skills Kit
Includes Juggling Balls, Diablos, Speed Stack Cups, Spinning plates
Electric Pyro Kits (x3)
Electric Glue Guns (x2)
Blindfolds (x18)
Junior Maccopoly Kit – Cubs and Beavers
M&C:Oppoly Kit Scouts and Explorers
Note: this was run as part of the 2023 St Georges Day event – start and finish point Victoria Park.
Fog/Smoke Generator
Hungry Hippos Activity – Beavers and Cubs
Stomp Rockets (x8)
Note: Does not include the bottles
Water Battery Activity
Collecting Buckets and Tins
We also have resources both on line and books at HQ which groups can use to run activities around Remembrance and Scouts and Leaders who lost their lives during 2 World Wars. This complements the War Memorial at Barnswood and the Memorial Pages on the Website that can be accessed here.
Please book the District Kit by contacting
Ian Mackintosh: ianmackintosh1957@gmail.com or
Diana Stafford: mcdsca@btinternet.com